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JDM Nissan Pulsar Auctions

Last Updated on 11th February 2025 at 06:56am UTC

Displayed below is a live selection of the most recent JDM Nissan Pulsar for sale on ヤフオク! (Yahoo! Auctions Japan), updated every 15 minutes.

These are real JDM Nissan Pulsar for sale in Japan. As such we advise seeking the assistance of a professional vehicle import service should you wish to proceed with the purchase of any JDM Nissan Pulsar you see here. See our guide on how to import Japanese cars.

Feel free to use the translation widget below to automatically translate each JDM Nissan Pulsar advert to English. Once you click through to an advert the resulting page will be displayed in Japanese, so we suggest using Google Translate or a suitable browser with an auto-detect translation feature.

JDM Nissan Pulsar

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Results may not be 100% accurate due to sellers including false or incorrect information within their listing(s). JapClassifieds cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate data shown on this page, nor do we guarantee authenticity.

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